10 Amazingly proven health benefits of Ginger

The overall health benefits of ginger are wide-ranging. Not to mention it’s crazy-versatile – you can throw it in your smoothie, grate some on a stir-fry, add it to soup or sip ginger tea.

Here’s a load of these health and beauty benefits of ginger:

  1. It can reduce pain: Ginger contains gingerols that quash inflammation and turn off pain-causing compounds in the body.
  2. It can heal irritated skin: Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help soothe red, irritated skin.
  3. It may help protect against cancer: Ginger is loaded with antioxidants that help protect the body from cancer.
  4. It can help you look younger: Ginger’s antioxidant content can help maintain your skin’s collagen production, which promotes skin elasticity and smoothness.
  5. It can help you digest quicker after a meal: A cup of ginger tea could help your stomach empty faster, so food doesn’t just sit there after an indulgent meal. What’s more is that it’ll help calm your stomach and stave off bloating and gas.
  6. It can reduce nausea: Ginger is a research-backed remedy for nausea, whether you’re dealing with a hangover, enduring a bumpy road trip, recovering from chemotherapy, or cursing pregnancy’s morning-sickness symptoms.
  7. It can reduce bad cholesterol: Ginger can help lower LDL cholesterol levels, reducing your risk of heart disease.
  8. It can ward off cardiovascular disease: Ginger’s blood-thinning properties could help prevent the formation of blood clots, reducing your risk of heart and stroke.
  9. It can help boost immunity: Gingerols that fight inflammation also have antimicrobial and antifungal properties to help fight infections and boost your immunity.
  10. It can ease period cramps: Ginger is one of the best natural forms of medicine.
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