11 protection units, 8 hatching centres ready for Olive Ridley eggs in Ganjam

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Chhatrapur: Even as the district administration has laid stress on team work for ensuring protection of Olive Ridley turtles on the coast, it has ordered routine patrolling for safety of turtles that are now laying eggs at different places along the coast in Ganjam district.

Meanwhile, 11 protection units have been formed while eight hatcheries have been built for incubation of turtle eggs, a report said.

Collector Vijay Amruta Kulange chaired a meeting at DRDA Rushikulya Conference Hall on the protection of turtles Wednesday. “All stakeholders have to work as a team to ensure safety and smooth conservation of the sea turtles. There is need for community cooperation for it,” he noted.

The Collector underscored the need for keeping the coast clean, not touching the turtles, stopping the illegal fishing, stepping up sea patrolling and creating public awareness on the protection of turtles.

SP Brijesh Kumar Ray said that all need to work together for safety of turtles and necessary police force will be provided.

Berhampur DFO Amlan Nayak detailed about a number of measures taken for safety of turtles.

Nayak added that 11 turtle protection units have been set up at Prayagi, Bateswar, Podampeta, Kantiagad, Gokharakuda, Purunabandh under Khalikote range; at Agastinuagan, Gopalpur, Markandi, Ananataraypur and Rameyapatana under Berhampur range.

Besides, eight hatchling centres have been set up at Bateswar, Kantiagad, Gokharakuda, Purunabandh, Agastinuagaon, Markand, Ananataraypur and Ramayapatana.

“After turtle eggs are hatched, such hatchling centres are very beneficial for care of hatchling. Local fishermen have been toped in the turtle conservation and protection activities,” the DFO said.

The forest department has made provision of a boat, a trawler, two speed boats and a fibre glass boat for patrolling in the sea. Police men, the officials of the forest department and the fisheries department are carrying out joint patrolling in the sea so as to prevent illegal fishing and smooth mass nesting and mating of turtles, the DFO informed.

CCTV cameras have been put on surveillance as mass egg-laying is presently going on day and night. Gopalpur port authorities, Grisam, IRE and Tata Company have been asked to cooperate in this turtle protection exercise.


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