2.5 lakh college girls to be trained in self-defence


post news network

Bhubaneswar, Nov 30: In view of growing cases of violence against women, the higher education department has decided to train about 600 master trainers, who will in turn impart self-defence training to about 2.5 lakh girls from across the colleges in the state.

In a recent high-level meeting, it was decided that an Expression of Interest will be issued to invite self-defence masters from registered martial arts or sports associations in the state. A committee of five high-level officials from the higher education and sports and youth service department will also be formed to evaluate the bids and select the master trainers.

The master trainers will be provided with one set of training dresses at the expense of the department. The officials have also decided to supply a 150-page training manual to each girl student for permanent induction of the training since there is neither any provision of continuation of the self defence training nor any higher level courses. The cost of the reading material will also be borne by the department.

Further, a management team will be formed for proper monitoring of the programme. It is also mandated for the training providers to make the training programme evidence-based and documented. For this the district administration, civilians and people representatives have also been asked to be involved in the programme.

Sources at the department further revealed that self-defence training programmes have been initiated last year, but due to the non-availability of master trainers the programme could not be started.

Earlier, the sports department had nominated Utkal Karate School for imparting the training programme in Kalinga Stadium. However, that could not work out as the stadium will play host to the International Hockey Championship Trophy.

The master trainers of the police department have also not been available for the training programme, which had stalled the initiative the previous academic year. However, officials are optimistic about the programme with the current amended mechanism.

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