Viksit Odisha @2036

2 awarded 3-yr RI for trading leopard hide

Rayagada: The Sub Divisional Judicial Magistrate, Rayagada, has convicted two wildlife criminals and sentenced them to three years of Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) along with a fine of Rs 10,000. The two accused, identified as Bikram Majhi and Raja Majhi, were convicted under Section 379/411/120 (B) IPC r/w 51 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, in a case filed by the Odisha STF, which recovered two leopard skins from their possession while they were trying to deliver the skins to a customer.

The court Wednesday sentenced both the accused persons to undergo three years of RI with a fine of Rs 10,000 for the commission of offence u/s 51(1A) of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. In the case of default of payment, the court ordered that the accused would further undergo RI for another six months. The court further convicted the accused persons with three years of RI with a fine u/s 411 of IPC and said in default of the fine amount imposed on them, they would further undergo six months of RI u/s 120-B of IPC.

All the sentences imposed will run concurrently, the court ruled. The STF, Bhubaneswar, apprehended the accused persons November 2, 2023, in Tamparbiduni Chowk under Chandili police station in Rayagada district and recovered two leopard skins from their possession. During the investigation, the seized leopard skins were also sent to the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, for biological and chemical examination, and an affirmative opinion was received. Trial was conducted against the accused persons, and during the trial, the prosecution examined nine witnesses and exhibited 15 documents.

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