Keonjhar: A day after Keonjhar police recovered the body of a 26-year-old man from Panupasi village under Ghatgaon police station in this district, the cops Tuesday arrested two persons in connection with the horrific murder, which is stated to be the fallout of an illicit relationship. The arrested were identified as Prashant Naik and Ajay Naik. According to Subrata’s family members, he had stepped out for some work around 7pm Sunday.
However, a few villagers found his body lying in a pool of blood near the house of one of the accused, Prashant Naik, Tuesday morning. The deceased’s family members suspect that the siblings, Prashant and Ajay, killed Subrata before dumping his body near their house. On being informed, a team of Ghatgaon police rushed to the spot, recovered the body and started an investigation with the help of a scientific team. Ghatagaon police station IIC Subhranta Kumar Jena said, “Both the accused have been arrested after we received prima facie evidence. The weapons used in the crime were also seized.” The IIC also said it is suspected that the accused brother duo killed Subrata as the latter had illicit relationship with Prashant’s wife.