Rayagada: Two Class VI students drowned in the Nagavali river on the outskirts of Rayagada town Thursday, official sources said. The deceased were identified as CH Bhargav, 12, of Raniguda area and Srinu Kumar Yadav, 12, of Saipriya Nagar in the town. They were studying at a private school in Rayagada town. The sources said four students of the school had visited the hanging bridge over Nagavali river at Chekaguda Thursday morning after the end of their examination. They were playing on the bridge when their ball fell near the river bank. Bhargav was swept away by the strong currents in the river while trying to retrieve the ball. Srinu met the same fate after he tried to save Bhargav from drowning. The other two, Janmejaya Saunta and A Bhavesh, raised an alarm and informed locals of Mariguda village nearby that the duo went missing in the river. On being informed, Fire Services personnel reached the spot and launched an operation to trace the two students. After a brief search, the Fire Services personnel fished out the bodies of the two students. Police sent the bodies for post-mortem and launched a probe, SI Sanjay Chhatar said.
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Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation 6 January as leader of the Liberal Party, effectively ending nearly a...
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