20-yr-old breaks two Guinness records

Bhubaneswar: Twenty-year-old Aman Chhatria of Odisha broke two Guinness records in ‘Kip-ups in One Minute’. Chhatria a fourth year B.Pharma student at city-based Hi-tech Medical College broke the record of ‘Most Kip-ups in One Minute’ (47) and Most No-handed Kip-ups in One Minute (37).

Kip-up is an acrobatic move in which a person transitions from a supine, and less commonly, a prone position, to a standing position. It is used in activities such as break-dance, gymnastics, martial arts, professional wrestling, free-running, and in action sequences in films.

Previous record on most one-handed Kip-ups and no-handed kip ups was in the name of Egypt (44) and South Korea (32).

A native of Bolangir district, Aman had attempted both the record back in August 13, 2019 and was approved December 8, 2019. In March this year, he had attempted the most kip-ups in one minute but due to technical glitches, he could not succeed .

In order to be able to make it to the Guinness World Book of Records, Aman had started formal training 18 months back but has been a trained break-dancer for several years now.

Aman said, “As a trained dancer I used to do the normal kip-ups but to break the record, I started training eight-ten hours every day for the last one and half year.”









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