4 most dangerous lakes in the world

The thrill of diving into deep, calm water and walking back to the surface is unmatchable. Lakes are one of the best places to have fun with friends and family. But a visit to four lakes can prove fatal to your life.

There are four lakes in the world which are dangerous for your life. Here are the four dangerous lakes those are incredibly fatal:

Lake Michigan: Lake Michigan is the third largest of the five Great Lakes of North America. But it is said that there is a cloud of deadly gas near this lake and all the creatures around the lake died. It has been said by scientists that due to the volcano under the lake, carbon dioxide gas got into the water and its level increased to take the form of cloud and wrapped all around.

Explosive lake: Explosive Lake in east Africa is laden with potentially dangerous gases. The water of this lake contains large layers of carbon dioxide as well as large amounts of methane gas that may explode when there is a slight earthquake near the lake.

Boiling lake: Boiling Lake is flooded fumaroles from a volcano in the area known as the Valley of Desolation. The temperature of this lake is 92 ° C. The lake is always warm due to the volcano crater near the lake The water can return to its original boiling state with little or no warning, and can be to harmful and dangerous.

Symbolic lake: The Lake is between 10 and 18 metres deep and covers an area of around 1 hectare. But the bad news for who have been swimming in this lake is that a phosphate mine nearby happens to leave behind a radioactive residue. If you want to swim here, then you have to do this at your own risk because there are many toxic algae found here and there is a phosphate mine nearby, due to which it may also contain radioactive elements.


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