5 things girls check while going through a boy’s Facebook account

Usually boys check out girls, be it in the public or on social media. But, do girls also check out boys? Yes, sure they check out boys. I mean why shouldn’t they?

Beauty must be appreciated and just as boys check out girls, girls check out boys as well.

So what do they check out? Anything and Everything.

Facebook’s big turning point is the invention of the ‘relationship status’. For the most part, we don’t have to worry about whether someone is in a relationship or not. Because of Facebook, it’s much easier to tell if someone is taken or not. It’s the gift of social networking.

So, here are a few things girls check while going through a boy’s Facebook account:-

Your Profile picture: It is the boy’s profile picture that is first checked by any girl. Be it your crush or someone you are trying to impress. Girls usually check your profile picture first before replying back when you text them or sometimes before they accept your friend request.

Occupation: The second comes your occupation. In your bio, you write your occupation. Girls first check out if you are a job holder or a student.

Photo gallery: Many girls prefer to check your photo gallery and check your background. Your background or personality would be known by the type of pictures you upload. They can judge you by your pictures on social media.

Relationship Status: If someone is interested in you then, she will first check your relationship status before texting you. If your relationship status says you are single, then you are on for the fame, but if it shows you are married or in a relationship, then you have less chances of getting messages from a girl.

Page Likes: Last but not the least. Pages likes play a huge role in getting girls’ attention. If you have huge page likes then there are chances that they might get attracted to you.


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