Jaleswar: Amid allegations of illegal sand mining in Subarnarekha River, the district administration conducted a raid near Mohammednagar patina under Jaleswar block in Balasore and seized two excavators, five sand-laden dumpers and other machinery with police help Sunday.
The raiding party constituted sub-collector Nilu Mohapatra, tehsildar Abhimanyu Panda, additional tehsildar Khirod Kumar Panda, SDPO Ramachandra Gouda, IIC Pradip Kumar Majhi, ASI Manorama Barik, fire officer Prakashchandra Muduli and three platoons of police.
It was alleged that sand mafia had been looting the mineral with swamp machines from the riverbed violating environment protection norms. The illegal sand mining has been rampant in Panhughat, Gobaraghat, Seksarai (A) and (B), Chalanti, Benapura, Makidia, Kuanrpur, Makarampur and Dakshinapraharajpur.
Social activists like Radhashyam Sahu and some villagers had been opposing such illegal mining, pointing out that rampant sand mining has posed a threat to some riparian villages.
Four sand mines at Mohammednagar Patana were leased out to BJD Nagar president Prabir Kumar Pradhan, and panchayat leader Trilochan Das.
It was alleged that the two were carrying out sand mining with the help of the district administration and under tacit support from the local MLA.
The surprise raid has struck terror among the sand miners in the area.