Bhanjanagar: A complaint has been lodged with Bhanjanagar police Thursday against the in-laws of a person who was found dead Wednesday night.
The deceased has been identified as Kedar Patra (45), a resident of Power House Chhak at Bhanjanagar area in Ganjam district.
Police have seized the body, sent it for post-mortem and started an investigation.
Kedar married Kanyakumari of Gadapur village near Brahmanigaon 10 years ago. The couple has three girls and Kedar was earning a living by selling clothes at makeshift stalls.
The couple reportedly used to quarrel even for petty issues for the last few months. Following this, Kanyakumari along with her two daughters went to her paternal house while her eldest daughter stayed with Kedar’s father who was residing at a rented house near Power House Chhak.
Kedar visited his in-law’s house Tuesday and on the same day he was found dead.
His in-laws allegedly carried his body on a vehicle and dumped it near his house. After Kedar’s body was found, his younger brother lodged a complaint with the police.
Injury marks were spotted on the neck and other parts of his body.