Overworked, overstimulated, overstressed. It’s no wonder that in our culture insomnia is so prevalent—so many of us just don’t know how to slow down, unwind, and prepare our bodies and minds for a night of rest.
While yoga and meditation are not magical cures for sleep problems, practicing regularly help you fall asleep faster and get a better quality sleep.
Here are five ways yoga will help to get some much-needed sleep
Practice makes perfect: You know that point at the end of a yoga class when your muscles are so tired it feels like bliss to let yourself just lie still for a few minutes? We are talking about Savasana (Corpse Pose). It serves as a reminder that you are capable of surrender, which comes in handy at the end of a long day.
Certain poses unwind your mind: Forward bends and restorative poses are designed to calm the nervous system and soothe a busy mind. When you know you are going to have a hard time getting to sleep, Try to spend a few minutes doing forward bends and Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose) to prepare both your mind and body for sleep.
Ease physical discomfort: Some people have an achy low back and sacrum and exhausted limbs that sometimes plague them into the wee hours of the night. Body pillows don’t really help, but certain yoga poses do—Cat-Cow, Downward Dog, and (again) Viparita Karani have been really helpful for them.
Self-reflection: when the lights go out, many people’s head will NOT shut up. A few minutes of quiet self-reflection on your meditation cushion or even with a cup of herbal tea before bed will let you get through all of those thoughts about how the day went and your to-do list for tomorrow before you hit the hay.
Learn to quiet the chatter: One of the most useful techniques you have to learn in yoga is how to be mindful, notice when your mind wanders. It takes a lot of practice, but this will help you to fall asleep many times when your mind chatter threatened to keep you awake.