Mumbai: ‘Rang de Basanti actor R Madhavan will soon start shooting for his next film ‘Dahi Cheeni’ which will also feature Khushali Kumar who will be the leading lady. Incidentally Khushali Kumar is the daughter of Gulshan Kumar who was the founder of T-Series Cassette Company and also a film producer. Khushali Kumar will make her debut in the Hindi film industry with ‘Dahi Cheeni’. She has already well known as a playback singer.
Film and trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted the information of Khushali’s debut and also shared the first poster of the movie featuring both Madhavan and Khushali. According to sources, Khushali like other aspirants auditioned for the role and bagged it.
IT'S OFFICIAL… Khushali Kumar to make her acting debut opposite R Madhavan… The slice of life film is titled #DahiCheeni… Directed by debutant Ashwin Neal Mani… Starts Aug 2019.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 16, 2019
As the poster features a court in Bhopal, there are opinions that the film will mainly revolve around the famous Madhya Pradesh city.
Incidentally, Gulshan was killed by the Mumbai underworld August 12, 1997. He left behind two daughters Khushali and Tulsi and son Bhusan who now runs the company.
Khushali is quite beautiful and bold and active on the social media. She often posts her glamorous pictures. There are 4,63,000 followers on her Instagram account.