Joints are vital points in the human body. Creaking and painful joints are common ailments for people as they grow older. And the current stressful life that we lead can affect our joints at any age. Here’s a list of home-made remedies for joint pain:
- Consuming tea with Turmeric and Ginger: Both turmeric and ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is rich in an antioxidant called curcumin. It helps in reducing the secretion of enzymes responsible for the inflammation of joints.
- Epsom salt: It is rich in magnesium sulfate which is really good at healing joint pains. It is one of the oldest remedies for joint pains.
- Hot and cold treatment: The simultaneous use of hot and cold packs can work brilliantly to give relief from pain.
- Fenugreek: Fen Fenugreek is well known for recuperating joint pains due to its anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It is very beneficial for arthritis patients.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: Vinegar containing apple juice recuperates joint pain by eliminating toxins that accumulate in joints and connective tissues. It is rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus and is helpful for the individuals who experience the ill effects of joint inflammation.
- Carrot and Lime juice: Carrot is an excellent pain reliever. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is very prevalent as a universal Chinese cure.
- Peppermint and Eucalyptus oil mixture: These are renowned as a pain relieving and effective pain-reliever. You can decrease the pain and discomfort by applying a mixture of these oils on your sore joints.
- Cayenne Pepper: It contains a rich compound called capsaicin which is a characteristic pain relieving and torment reliever.