Mumbai: Former actress Twinkle Khanna, who has broken her foot, shared a video of deserted roads in Mumbai on her way back from a hospital. Twinkle’s husband and actor Akshay Kumar was on the driver’s seat.
The man makes me proud. When I asked him if he was sure as it was such a massive amount and we needed to liquidate funds, he just said, ‘ I had nothing when I started and now that I am in this position, how can I hold back from doing whatever I can for those who have nothing.’
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) March 28, 2020
Sharing the video, Twinkle wrote on Instagram, “Deserted roads all the way back from the hospital. Please don’t be alarmed, I am not about to kick the bucket because I really can’t kick anything at all! #sundayshenanigans.” The video shows Akshay driving Twinkle as they returned from a hospital.
In the video, Twinkle is heard saying, “It is 10:31 am on a Sunday morning and the roads are deserted, except for pigeons and crows -these wonderful gifts for us. Here’s my driver all the way from Chandni Chowk (camera moves to a masked Akshay for a bit). We are on our way back from the hospital.”
“Nope! I don’t have the coronavirus. People go to the hospital for many things, including, like me, for being unusually clumsy. So, this Sunday, my husband’s pocket is lighter, our hearts have never been more full and and my foot is bloody broken. A happy Sunday to you as well,” she signed off.