New Delhi: Yuvraj Singh had challenged Sachin Tendulkar, Rohit Sharma and Harbhajan Singh on Twitter to a keep up a challenge and juggle a cricket ball with the side of a bat. Tendulkar not only responded to the challenge but actually threw it back to Yuvraj by doing the same blindfolded.
“Yuvi, you had given me a very easy option. So now I am giving you a difficult option. I am nominating you my friend, come on do it for me buddy,” said Tendulkar while juggling the ball in the video that he tweeted.
I am challenging you back @YUVSTRONG12, but this time with a twist!!👀🙅🏻♂️😉
All I can ask everyone to do is take care and stay safe!
— Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt) May 16, 2020
However, Tendulkar then revealed that he could see through the blindfold.
Yuvraj replied saying: “Mar gaye.”
Yuvraj in his earlier video had lost control of the ball towards the end and had to use the face of the bat. “Easy for the Master Blaster, maybe easy for Rohit Sharma, but not so easy for Harbhajan Singh. All the best guys,” he said.
Yuvraj also vowed to stay at home as long as possible to ensure limiting the spread of coronavirus while juggling the ball. “In these challenging times, I am committed to staying at home to prevent the spread of #Covid19 and will #KeepItUp as long as it is required,” he said in the caption to the video.
Former and current cricketers have been taking to their social media handles to keep connected with the fans since the sport came to a standstill in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.