Bhubaneswar: Addressing a press conference Tuesday Special Investigation Team (SIT) Chief Arun Bothra Tuesday revealed that Saroj Sethy had tried to have intercourse with the dead body of the five-year-old Pari after strangulating her to death inside her house, July 14.
Giving a detailed report about the investigation, Bothra said Pari had gone to Saroj’s house, about 100 metre away from her house at around 10.30 am July 14 to collect berries.
Saroj was alone in his house as his mother and sister had left for office. At that time he noticed Pari near his house and he forcefully took the five-year-old girl to his room and tried to undress her, according to the investigation report.
When Pari resisted, Saroj in a fit of rage strangled her using his bare hand.
Finding the girl dead, Saroj tried to have intercourse after disrobing her. Bothra said, adding that droplets of semen fell on the victim’s frock which was lying near her body. Those semen sample helped the police crack the murder mystery.
Bothra further added that Saroj is addicted to pornography, especially child pornography and he had watched such videos throughout the previous night on his sister’s mobile phone.
When the girl’s parents and villagers began a search for the missing girl, Sethi did not raise any suspicion as no one had witnessed the girl’s last visit to his home on the fateful day, Bothra added.