In today’s hectic life, people do not even have time to take care of their health. Due to many wrong habits, diseases affect the body. One of the major diseases to affect human health is weakening of bones. It is important to have strong bones for a healthy body. Weak bones can lead to many problems including getting up from a stationary position or even walking at a slow pace.
Although arthritis occurs in most people with increasing age or due to genetic reasons, these days it is also affecting people because of poor lifestyle. Weak bones are a bane in old age as fractures may cripple you. So early on, people should shed habits that make the bone weak.
Smoking: Density of bones in people who smoke is less and can lead to many types of bone diseases. Smoking and tobacco consumption increase free radicals which kill the cells that makes the bones. Smoking also releases hormones that weaken the bones.
Being stationary: People, who are not physically active and work sitting throughout the day and don’t exercise, are more likely to have bone diseases. Bones become strong by doing workouts. Exercise is also necessary to keep bones healthy.
Intake of salt: Eating too much salt can also be dangerous for bones. Experts say excessive sodium intake can lead to rapid decline in bone density which can be dangerous. One should not consume more than 1500mg of salt in in a day.
Avoiding sun’s rays: Staying in the house all day or avoiding the sun is not at all right for bones. Sunlight is the biggest source of vitamin D, a deficiency of which can lead to thin and weak bones. If you can’t get out in the sun, take vitamin D supplements and food.
Lack of calcium and Vitamin D: Both calcium and Vitamin D are very important to keep bones strong. In such a situation, one must include vitamin D and calcium-rich food in diet.