The Hijab row in schools and colleges in Karnataka under Bommai-led government has gained international limelight after American supermodel Bella Hadid recently reacted to it.
Taking to Instagram, she talked about how Muslim women around the world including countries like France, India, Quebec and Belgium face discrimination.
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“It’s not your job to tell women what they should or shouldn’t wear, especially when it is pertaining to faith and safety,” wrote the 25-year-old Muslim model.
She added, “It’s not your job to tell women whether or not they can STUDY or PLAY SPORTS, ESPECIALLY when it is pertaining to their faith and safety. Hijabi women in France are not allowed to wear their Hijab to school, to play sports, to swim, even on their ID pictures. You can’t be a civil worker or work in hospitals with a Hijab. To get an internship, most universities will say, the only way to get one is to take off the hijab. It’s ridiculous and really shows how Islamophobic the world is without even acknowledging it. In regards to these new Bills that are either in the process of being passed , or have already.
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The egocentrics of a man to think for even for one second, that they have enough validity to make decisions for a woman in 2022, are not only laughable but actually sick in the head.
As my friend @taqwabintali said to me ‘You know, at the root of it all, all of this is just much deeper than Islamophobia; it’s pure sexism and misogyny. no matter the countries or the time men always want to control what a woman does and wears.’
It needs to stop.”
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In another post earlier, she had shared, “Although different forms of the hijab and head coverings are starting to make an appearance in fashion , let’s still remember the daily struggle, abuse, and discrimination Muslim women face on a regular basis because of their faith and what they stand for.”