Mumbai: The comedy drama webseries Panchayat, which stars a powerful line-up of Jitendra Kumar, Raghuvir Yadav and Neena Gupta in the lead, is returning with its new season May 20.
The popular comedy drama, directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra, follows the story of Abhishek, an engineering graduate who joins as secretary of a panchayat office in the village of Phulera.
Taking on from the first season, the series delves deeper into the equation between Pradhan, Vikas, Prahlad and Manju Devi along with Abhishek who has now settled well into the life of Phulera.
As the characters navigate through the complexities in the village, a new opposition enters Phulera and is set to cause havoc in their lives.
Panchayat 2 promises to strike a chord with viewers and keep them entertained throughout. The series, which will stream on Prime Video, has been produced by the pioneers of web entertainment in India, The Viral Fever (TVF), which has earlier doled out shows like Panchayat S1 and Hostel Daze S1 and S2, The Pitchers and Kota Factory to name a few.
Panchayat Season 2 to drop on OTT May 20