Hyderabad: The husband of a woman who died when fans jostled during the December 4 premiere show of ‘Pushpa 2’ at a film theatre here, said Friday he doesn’t hold the film’s male lead Allu Arjun “responsible for the tragedy”.
Bhaskar, the woman’s husband, stated he was “ready to withdraw” his case over the incident.
“Allu Arjun is not at fault for coming to the theatre. I am ready to withdraw my case,” he told reporters.
Bhaskar added that he was not informed by the police about Arjun’s arrest and learned about it only from the news.
Read Also: Woman’s death during ‘Pushpa-2’ screening: Telangana HC grants interim bail to actor Allu Arjun
His eight-year-old son, who suffered serious injuries in the incident, has been undergoing treatment at a private super-speciality hospital here.
The city police arrested Allu Arjun Friday in connection with the woman’s death. However, the Telangana High Court granted him a four-week interim bail.