Bargarh: A woman, who was rescued from Kurla jungle here in a critical condition Tuesday, is suspected to have been gangraped. The 24-year-old woman had gone missing in this town while watching Dhanu Yatra Sunday. The woman battled for life since Sunday before she was rescued with severe injuries. She was initially rushed to the district headquarters hospital (DHH) in Bargarh but later shifted to the Surgery department of VSS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (VIMSAR) at Burla for advanced care.
Police failed to record her statement as she was yet to regain sense. Circumstantial evidence indicates kidnap and gangrape, said the police. However, neither the woman’s family nor the doctors treating her raised the issue of gangrape, Bargarh sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) Padarbinda Tripathy said. Police said that the survivor visited Bargarh Sunday but did not return home.
Read Also: Four arrested for gangrape of minor
Family members then tried to contact her over phone but the cellphone was switched off. They began a frantic search and even informed the Bargarh police, but to no avail. Later, a person called her family from the woman’s phone and informed them about the condition of the victim in Kurla jungle. Meanwhile, another person also rang up the family members and informed them that the woman was lying unconscious in Kurla jungle. Based on the information, family members rushed to the spot and rescued the woman before admitting her to Bargarh DHH.