A country where children cross the international border everyday to attend school

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Pic Credit: Samrainer.com

You must have heard about children walking hundreds of kilometers to reach school, but have you ever heard of children crossing the international border to attend classes?

Yes, there is a school in America where many children cross the international border every day to study.

There is a school named Columbus Elementary School in United States where children have to prove that they are US citizens to study in it.  Out of 600 students in the school, 420 have to cross the international border to attend classes. Let us know why the children cross the border to study instead of going to their nearest schools.

According to a ‘BBC’ report, there are many children in Puerto Peloos of Mexico who have been born in the US. However as the city comes under Mexico so children or anyone living there has to show the US passport to visit the US.

Children living in Palomas carry their passports every day while going to school. When they reach the US-Mexico border, they show their passports to the American guards standing there for clearance. After getting the requisite clearance, they cross the US-Mexico border and attend classes. It’s a five-mile bus ride.

Each morning, buses wait on the US side to take the students to the school. At times the children deposit the passports with the American guards in case they misplace it.

The teaching medium in Mexican schools is Spanish while in the US it is English. People in Palomas say that they send their children to US schools so that they can learn English. The people of this city believe that studying in English medium will provide a better future for the students.

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