A restaurant where Instagram users get free food

A restaurant where Instagram users get free food

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You must have heard about a restaurant where you get food for free if you give plastic, but have you ever heard of a restaurant that gives you free food if you upload the pictures on social media?

Yes, there is one such restaurant in the city of Milan, Italy, named ‘This is Not a Sushi Bar’ that will not charge you for food if you upload a photo of the meal on photo-sharing platform Instagram.

This Japanese restaurant was opened by two Italian brothers named Matteo and Tommaso Pittarello.

The concept is simple. Customers walk into their restaurant, order a plate of food and then post a picture of the meal and the restaurant on Instagram.

On the basis of how many followers you have, the next dish – and possibly more after that – will be free.

If you have posted a picture of food and the restaurant on Instagram and you have between 1000 and 5000 followers then you will get a plate of sushi or sashimi for free.

With up to 50,000 followers, you can count on not having to pay for four dishes, while eight plates will be free for people with up to 100,000 followers.

The lucky few who can boast stellar social media popularity, with more than 100,000 followers, will be able to eat as much as they like without paying.

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