Bhubaneswar: Despite police raids on massage parlours in connection with flesh trade, there are places in the city which are worth visiting for relaxation. Orissa Post interacts with a few women entrepreneurs and clients to learn the safety aspect of visiting a health spa.
Chidatmika Khatua, a regular at spas, said body polish, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy and masks in addition to massage are integral to parlours. However, it is essential to cross-check the reputation of a spa prior to visiting it.
College student Manaswini Mishra says it is wonderful to relax in the cool ambience of a spa after a hectic day. “Instead of blaming reputation of a spa, it’s right for women to make a background check before visiting a spa”.
For Itishree, a Unit III resident, a visit to the spa is essential with appropriate clothes. “Yes, it may sound odd, but ask a female friend to accompany you. Keep your eyes and ears open and don’t fall into trap. Not all spas are bad. Only those that treat men are often under police radar. So avoid such spas.”
Monalisa, an RD student, says she visits spa for relaxation. “Most spas serving ladies in the city are reputed. You needn’t worry about safety. Inform your parents or friends before visiting a spa and trust your instincts,” avers Monalisa.
Spa owner Baishali Mohapatra suggests that there is no harm visiting a reputed spa. “Women clients are served by masseuses at my parlour. Men are served by men who are professional masseurs. And you can’t bolt the spa door from inside. We have glass doors. There are spas where a masseuse is employed for male clients. Such places come under police radar. Therefore, women should guard their self-respect and visit salons where female therapists serve.”
“Parlours often employ Thai girls for sexual activities,” said Sumitra of a known parlour, adding, “Female clients may visit spa with right ambience and reputation and ensure that they are safe before taking an appointment.”