Khurda: In the wake of large-scale violence at Trahi Achyuta ashram at Jhinti Sasan Sunday evening, a branch of the ashram at Panabaraja here was vandalised by locals Monday. Irate mob burnt the Yagya mandap and ransacked ashram assets. Angry locals who thronged the ashram at 3.30pm blackened the writings there. The residents there alleged the ashram was built upon public grazing land. Huge tracts of land was encroached upon by the ashram authorities, they alleged. Khurda MLA had granted Rs 1 lakh for infrastructure development of the ashram in 20113-14 fiscal which had angered the locals. On being informed, Town police reached the spot and took stock of the situation.
Creative Feminism
Interesting information about the current state of women in China is trickling down despite Chinese authorities’ efforts to put facts...
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