Mumbai: Hindi sitcom Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai has completed the milestone of 1,700 episodes. Nehha Pendse, Shubhangi Atre and other actors of the comedy show have expressed their happiness and shared their experience of being part of the show.
Shubhangi Atre, who plays Angoori Bhabi, said: “1,700 episodes is a big milestone for all of us. I am glad to be a part of this wonderful team and grateful to Binaiferr for giving me the role of Angoori Bhabi. Each character has been written exceptionally well and stands out. No doubt that each of them has become an audience favourite in no time. The audience has given us immense love and recognition. I consider myself lucky to play the beautiful Angoori Bhabi and be a part of such an incredible cast”.
Actress Nehha Pendse, who received much attention from the audience as Anita Bhabi added: “I joined ‘Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai’ this year, but it feels like ages since I have been a part of the show. I love playing the strong and independent Anita Bhabi, and it feels like a personal achievement to have reached the 1,700-episode landmark. Congratulations to everyone for this milestone.”
Rohitashv Gour, who plays Manmohan Tiwari, shared his take on being part of the show. “I have a ton of fun while playing Manmohan Tiwari, and I am glad the viewers enjoy watching me on screen as much.”
Aasif Sheikh, who plays Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, also added his inputs on the milestone moment and the recognition the show has brought him.
“The show has given me a lot of freedom to explore my art and craft. I never thought that I would receive the opportunity to play 300+ unique characters in a single show and get recognised for it. I am forever grateful to have this opportunity, and here’s hoping the show keeps growing every single day.”
Speaking about the show’s success, producer Binaiffer Kohli, shared: “I still remember how excited we were the day we had the idea for the show, and the excitement continues with each milestone.”
Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai airs on &TV.