Adult literacy is the need of the hour, more so because we see backward states like Orissa, especially its Kalahandi-Bolangir-Koraput (KBK) region and other tribal districts lag behind. Nabarangpur happens to be one area with lowest literacy rate – below 50% – even less than Malkangiri and Kalahandi. Lack of scope for supporting better livelihood for those school dropouts and illiterates is a major factor that hinders development. Focusing on Bolangir, where migration is imminent, our planning is not favorable to sensitise those below poverty line for better livelihood. There are various scopes of vocational training and enhancing the preservation of raw materials to make all processing and further linking and leveraging for marketing the end products possible. There is a scope of ORMAS operated by DRDA; even though they are making cadre building among women through self-help group, the sustainability is decreasing. … Irrigation, sustainability of water harvesting structure … cannot build long-term income generating program. As a result migration of small and marginal farmers as also landless communities to cities happen regularly. For development of all … transparency and accountability is important, for which the role of society particularly at grassroots level is also important. Literacy in rural sphere is more important to transform the masses and ensure their better livelihood. Not simply learning the art of reading and writing but knowledge of technology and its use will encourage rural youth to strive for better lives and living conditions.
Our Saakshar Bharat Program is a good initiative. But the curriculum is not yet envisaging its long term program. Adult literacy, sensitising those neo-literates are the key features. In some states State Resource Centre for Adult Education has been operationalised and it is streamlined so as to sensitise youth about skill development programmes, building IEC (information, education &communication) competence etc. There are various aspects of literacy that can help a person to reach his or her goal. Functional literacy, financial literacy, electoral literacy and legal literacy are those 4 aspects to lead a man towards better livelihood. Irrespective of low literacy or total illiteracy one can search for and get involved in various activities so as to survive, if he desires.
At the conclusion one may say minimum knowledge of reading and writing is basic necessity to face all the challenges in life.
Bhagabat Padhi, RAYAGADA
Forgotten Census
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