Viksit Odisha @2036

Ailing female jumbo dead

Ailing female jumbo dead

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Deogarh: An ailing female elephant which had been battling for life after falling into a nullah in Biriyam village in Kansar section under this forest range in the district succumbed to its injuries during treatment, Monday.

On being informed, Deogarh ACF (wildlife) Rashmi Chowdhury, ranger Debadutta Nanda and forester Prasanna Kumar Sahu reached the spot and took stock of the animal’s death.  Preliminary inquiries indicated that the animal aged about 30 might have died of kidney and liver related ailments, DFO Khyama Sarangi said. Later, the carcass was buried at the spot after veterinarian Satyabrata Mishra conducted a post-mortem.

Reports said that the animal, in search of food, strayed into Biriyam village from the nearby reserve forest and fell into a nullah, November 30. It sustained critical injuries in the process and failed to get up and walk again.

The forest officials led by the DFO Sarangi reached the spot and took stock of the situation. Later, water was drained out from the nullah by engaging a machine following which a team of veterinarians started treatment of the animal.



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