New Delhi: The Sahitya Akademi will award four writers from Odisha for their exemplary work and contribution to Odia literature.
Professor Dasarathi Das will receive the Sahitya Akademi award 2018 for his book Prasanga Puruna Bhabana Nua on literary criticism. Similarly, the Sahitya Akademi Bhasa Samman 2018 will be conferred on Gaganendra Nath Das for his significant contribution to classical and medieval literature while poet, fiction writer and grammarian Prafulla Tripathy and western Odia poet Haladhar Nag will jointly get Koshali-Sambalpuri award 2017 for their contribution to “rare, unrecognised languages”.
The awards, in the form of a casket containing an engraved copper-plaque and a cheque of `1 lakh will be presented to the authors at a special function to be organized in January next year at Kamani Auditorium in Central Delhi. The Sahitya Akademi award is among the most prestigious literary honours bestowed on writers for their works across genres and languages in the country.
Akademi award for four Odia writers