American couple adopts orphan girl

Dhenkanal: Life of Reema, an orphan inmate of an orphanage in Dhenkanal district, changed for the better after an American couple adopted her.

Alan Lee Jeni and his wife Sara Ratche Jeni have adopted Reema, the five-year-old girl, who was abandoned at a hospital premises by her parents after her birth. The foreigners have come as angels to the little girl who will now get a new lease of life, hostel authorities said as they thanked the couple for their kind gesture.

With tears in their eyes, inmates and staff of Maharshi Dayanand Service Mission child home at Govindpur under Sadar block bid farewell to Reema and wished for her new life. The adoption was done after verification and all necessary rules for adoption. The inmates and staff prayed for her bright future.

“I could not help weeping when giving farewell to Reema. We cannot forget the time we spent with her,” said an inmate.

Echoing her feeling, another staff said, “Departure is always painful. But in Reema’s case, we are happy that she is being adopted by a loving and caring American couple and it would be helpful for her safe and secure future.”

Five years ago, a girl child was rescued from the campus of Dhenkanal district hospital. After necessary treatment, she was rehabilitated at Maharshi Dayananda Service Mission. The Mission authority named her Reema.

With the help of Central Adoption Resource Authority, Alan, a writer, had applied online for adoption.

Through Diana, the Indian representative of America World Adoption Monitoring, Alan and her wife, a businesswoman, came to know about Reema and expressed their wish to adopt her.

The American couple said, “We have no child. Ever since we mulled over adoption, we were keen for a child from India, a country which is rich in its culture and spiritualism. We are happy to have a loving daughter like Reema.”

Reema too was seen reciprocating her new parents’ love and affection by calling them daddy and mummy. Before leaving the Mission for a new country, Reema was seen enjoying the moment with the inmates, staff and her new parents.

Mission’s secretary Pradeep Sahu, Bibhuti Bhushan Das and other staff and inmates were present during the occasion.



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