Aquaculture empowers women socially, financially

Bhubaneswar: ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar observed “Women in Agriculture Day” at Krishi Vigyan Kendra here Wednesday.

As per reports, more than 30 per cent of women are cultivators themselves and more than 45 per cent serve as agricultural labourers in the entire farming community. The day is celebrated to acknowledge contribution of women in the field of agriculture, in improving food security and eradicating poverty as women contribute substantially to agricultural work force.

Bindu R Pillai, Director, ICAR-CIFA said that since inception, ICAR-CIFA has been playing a pivotal role in attracting more and more women into fish farming. During the last 33 years CIFA has operated several outreach projects that benefitted women exclusively. In other projects too, a sizable proportion of women were provided access to technology, training and skill development in order to encourage them to adopt scientific aquaculture practices. It not only helped them to improve their livelihood but also empowered them socially and economically.

She added that CIFA mobilized several women groups in adopting carp seed rearing, breeding and culture of ornamental fishes, carp culture in community ponds and post-harvest processing of freshwater fishes, etc.

Earlier, KD Mohapatra, Senior Scientist, ICAR-CIFA highlighted the role played by women in farming. She detailed the technologies available with CIFA that would help women farmers earn more. Prabhati K Sahoo, Principal Scientist of ICAR-CIFA encouraged the women to start business venture in fish breeding, fish culture, value addition, integrated farming, pearl farming etc.

Six selected women entrepreneurs who have taken farming as a business venture were also felicitated for their accomplishments and they shared their experiences. Around 150 women participated in this event.

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