Sambalpur: Armed robbers carried out a daylight heist Friday in the busy Budharaja area, stealing nearly 30 kg of gold jewellery and approximately Rs4 lakh in cash from a financial institution in Sambalpur district.
According to police, at around 9:30am, a group of seven masked robbers arrived on three motorcycles at the Manappuram Gold Loan branch. They attacked the security guards and staff, threatened them with firearms, and locked them in a room. The robbers then accessed staff passwords, opened the lockers, and made off with the gold and cash.
Following the robbery, the branch manager alerted the Ainthapali police, who quickly arrived at the scene and initiated an investigation. A special police team has been formed to track down the perpetrators. The police have sealed several entry and exit points around Sambalpur and launched searches across the area.
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The investigation is being overseen by senior offi cers, including Himanshu Lal, IG (Northern Range), and the Sadar SDPO. Authorities are also reviewing CCTV footage from cameras along main roads and nearby alleys in a bid to identify the suspects.