Banana skin can work like magic for many skin problems; Follow these steps

Banana skin can work like magic for many skin problems; Follow these steps

It is no secret that banana is a nutritious fruit and also beneficial for us in many ways. Few people know that with the use of banana skin, we can get rid of many skin related diseases. It is also very useful in removing pimples. Today we are going to tell you some tips, which will prove beneficial for your skin. Let us know how you can remove skin related problems by using banana skin.

Dark circles
If you have dark circles, here is a tip for you.

Method: Grind the skin then mix Aloe Vera in it and apply it on the area. Keep it on the face for a while. When it dries, wash it with clean water.


Banana skin contains antioxidants that help in removing wrinkles.

Method: Grind the skin in a mixer.  Then mix two teaspoons of almond oil in it and apply it on the face. Keep it for 20 minutes then wash it with clean water.

Yellowish teeth
Rub the teeth with a fine banana skin and continue it for a week. Then rinse with clean water. After a few days the yellowing of your teeth will disappear.

Skin Acne

Banana skin can help you for this too.

Method: Just take banana skin and add honey and massage it on pimples with light hands. After a few days, the pimples will disappear from the root.

Black heads
Banana skin is quite helpful for the problem of blackheads.

Method: Crush the skin, add half a teaspoon lemon juice and a pinch of baking powder in it. Then apply it on the blackhead portion for 10 minutes and then wash it. Its beneficial benefits will be reached in no time.


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