Be careful of these side effects of mushrooms

Mushrooms are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals and are used in many dishes for its taste and high nutritional content. Mushrooms are consumed for their medicinal values and nutrients present in them.

Edible mushrooms may also cause some side effects on certain individuals who have fungi allergies, because they belong to the fungus group. So such individuals should take treatment and avoid consuming mushrooms in future, after experiencing early symptoms.

Here we note down a few side effects of consuming excess mushroom:

  1. Stomach Upset: In some people, diarrhea has been a problem in eating mushrooms. The other stomach problems, which one might experience, are vomiting, cramping and nausea.
  2. Absent Minded: An individual might also be in a state of hallucination. The mushrooms alter the perception of reality after consumption for sometime. This hallucination effects are compared to the effect caused by LSD drugs. The individuals experiences this effect within twenty minutes of consumption.
  3. 3. Skin Allergies: Mushrooms may also result in skin rashes and skin irritations. Some also experience nose bleeding, dry nose and dry throat and other problems when they are taken in excess amount.
  4. Avoiding During Pregnancy: Some doctors suggest women to avoid consuming mushrooms during breast feeding and pregnancy. Though no serious side effects are reported, it is better to stay on the safe side by avoiding them.
  5. Dizziness: Some people have also reported serious dizziness after few hours of consumption. Mushrooms also cause confusion when consumed in high dosage. They also cause consciousness for those with low blood pressure.
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