Benefits of eating apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. More or less all the people across the world like to have apple or its juice. Packed with bio-chemical compounds like antioxidants, apple helps combating free radicals in the body and keeps ailments at bay.

The fruit has phyto-nutrients, dietary fibre and antioxidants that help fighting with heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes and stroke too. It’s famous for a fiber called Pectin. This soluble fiber is known for innumerable health benefits.

Here’s how it plays a key role in…

Weight loss

It’s rich in fiber. Eating this fruit discourages your longing towards food thereby saving you from intake of extra calories. Digestion of pectin requires more time thus makes your stomach full for a long. It may also have ursolic acid that reduces the risk of obesity and may be useful to make you slim. Even doctor suggests rich fibre diet to obese people.

Minimizes chances of Alzheimer’s disease

The free radicals can degenerate the brain cells and may cause Alzheimer’s disease. However, it contains a powerful antioxidant called quercetin that prevents decaying of brain cells. The fruit is also known for flavonoids which are good for your brain as well as neurological problems. It is helpful in increasing memory and logical reasoning by stimulating the acetylcholine.

Healthy heart

The soluble fibre pectin acts like as anti-cholesterol that works upon it in the intestine and reduces the gravity of cholesterol levels. Besides it reduces the chances of cholesterol formation in the arteries too. Apple skin contains phenolic and flavanoids substances that prevent plaque accumulation in the artery walls thus ward off the risk of heart disease. Pectin and bunch of phenoloic compounds reduce total cholesterol as well as bad cholesterol. A new research in Florida State University has confirmed that older women who eat apple have reduced the risk of bad cholesterol (LDL) by 23 % while increased the level of good cholesterol (HDL) by 4% just after 6 months.

Cancer prevention

Apple is full of anti-cancer benefits. The American Association for Cancer Research has shown that apple reduce the chances of developing pancreatic cancer as it is rich in flavonol compound. Its peel contains triterpenoids which can ward off liver, colon and breast cancer as recommended by researchers at Cornell University. Because of high fibre, the miracle fruit may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer as suggested by National Cancer Institute, USA. This is one of the few fruits, which is associated with reduction of lung cancer.

Diabetes control

Apple reduces the risk of diabetes, especially the type 2 diabetes. The soluble fiber in the fruit is helpful in blood sugar regulation. The presence of quercetin and flavonoids compounds slowing down carbohydrate assimilation process. Polyphenols delaying glucose absorption and stimulate the pancreas to secrete more insulin.

Helps fight Parkinson’s disease

It has been proved by the scientific community that eating of high fibre rich fruits help to fight against Parkinson’s disease. The fruit helps to stop the breakdown of dopamine producing nerve cells that may be the reasons of Parkinson’s disease.

Protects against stroke

A research conducted in USA had suggested that intake of apple reduces the risk of thrombotic stroke. Eating apple over a long period of time powerfully reduces the chances of stroke.  Quercetin in apple is acting as anti-stroke as per the scientists.

Helps tackle respiratory problems

Apple might be used as anti-asthmatic due to the presence of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. A number of studies had recommended apple’s positive relation in lowering down the risk of respiratory problems. A study conducted in Aberdeen University found that food rich in antioxidants and vitamins lowers down the chances of asthma and other respiratory problems. Asthmatic kids if given apple juice, the symptoms decrease gradually. There is a less likely to develop respiratory problems in the new born if the pregnant mother eat apple regularly

Enhances skin care and beauty

The fruit is helpful to give fair complexion and prevent you from wrinkles, pimples, acne, blemishes and black spots due to the presence of numerous phyto-nutrients and antioxidants. These compounds counteract the damaged caused by free radicals, which are directly related to premature aging. Method: The paste of apple and honey is applied on the face and leave it for 10-20 minutes followed by washing it with fresh water. The paste of apple and milk when applied is also beneficial to glow your face.

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