New Delhi: Radhika Apte was caught by surprise upon seeing some of her fake photographs doing the rounds on the Internet and Whatsapp. While she admits this is a peril of celebrityhood, the “Badlapur” actress says such incidents are best ignored. The controversial photographs are naked selfies, and Radhika has stated that “anyone with a sane eye knows that it’s not me”. Agreeing that matters like these are a “downside” of being in the public domain, Radhika, who has also featured in movies like “Rakta Charitra” and “Shor In The City”, told IANS, “One just has to learn to not get affected by it. The crass public mentality of looking at women, combined with utterly cheap and sensational journalism does give rise to such news and issues.” Radhika, who will also feature in “Hunterrr”, however, does not wish to take any action against the fake pictures.
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