Beware! Eating momos daily may have these fatal consequences

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Momos are very popular all over the world. In countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and other south Asian countries, momos are the most loved snacks that are available even on streets at a very affordable price.

Originating from China, Momos soon spread all throughout and are now very popular all over the world. Indians are mad for momos and the reason behind this is that it is easily available at a very cheap price.

But do you know that it is harmful for health. It is made from fine flour and sold either by steaming or frying. People fond of spicy food like to eat momos very much. Do you know why Momos are very dangerous for health?

Let’s know why momos served with spicy red chutney can prove to be harmful for health.

Momos chutney: Chutney served with momos is not good for your health as it is not made from red chillies only. It contains chili powder and other things which can harm your health. Not only this, it can even make you sick. Excess consumption of spicy foods can prove to be very harmful for health.

Under-cooked vegetables: Momos are very delicious but the sad part is they can cause us a lot of harm. One reason for this is the use of uncooked and unwashed vegetables that are used for the stuffing of the Momos can make them a home for bacteria like e-Coli. These bacteria can cause some serious gastroenterological infections.

Maida: It is made up of flour (refined flour), excess intake of which can cause stomach problems. Bones can be weakened by daily intake of momos.

Street foods are harmful to your health. Therefore, it should not be consumed. However, if you are doing this then try not to eat junk foods more than once only in a week.

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