Bisra’s lifeline wallows in neglect

Rourkela: The BarsuanBisra stream that was once a scenic spot and lifeline for over five-gram panchayats (GPs) under Bisra block may get consigned to history, thanks to administrative negligence and pollution. Originating from Saranda jungle, this stream, barely a 30-metre wide during monsoon now, has remained a lifeline for five GPs – Dareikela, Maneka, Udushu, Bisra and Santoshpur.

After passing through these GPs, it flows into River Koel. Apart from irrigating the hundreds of hectares of agricultural lands of these panchayats, this narrow stream meets the needs of drinking water and other daily chores, according to sources. However, continuous neglect and ill-treatment have narrowed it down. Domestic and other wastes are being dumped in it while many drains carrying household sewage also merge into it. “It has become the dustbin for the five GPs at this moment,” said a resident of the area. Besides, accumulation of silt on the banks of the stream has encouraged growth of shrubs, leading to further shrinking of the nullah. “The water is gradually becoming unfit for use,” rued a villager of Santoshpur GP Meanwhile, many residents have recalled their memories associated with the natural stream. “I have many fond memories associated with the stream because I grew up on its scenic bank.

The stream has served many families of our locality including ours all throughout the years, including the era of my ancestors,” said Peter Xess. Similar sentiments were echoed by a few people who have grown up near its bank. A doctor working at Rourkela Government Hospital (RGH) who began his career at Bisra PHC, said, “The entire stretch was a real scenic picnic spot just 10 years back and we had visited the place on several occasions. But today, when I hear about it, I really feel sorry for its neglected state. The decay has set in during the last 10 years.” Bisra Sarpanch Suraj Nayak said, “No fund is available at the GP level for cleaning the water and restoring the stream. However, I have drawn the attention of the district administration for construction of a treatment plant and revival of the stream.” When this was brought to the notice of the regional officer of State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) Anup Mallick, said, “This stream does not come under my purview but I will look into it. I will definitely draw the attention of the BDO in this regard.” Though Orissa POST called Bisra BDO Jagannath Hanuman to seek his reaction in this regard, he didn’t pick the phone.


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