Raighar: Six masked miscreants allegedly attacked a businessman with sticks and looted `15 lakh from him in broad daylight at Raighar in Nabarangpur district Wednesday. According to reports, Raighar-based businessman Abdul Ansari, along with his two employees, Guddu Dhoba and Yunus Lathia, was on his way to the weekly market at Chhatabeda under Parua panchayat around 10:30am, when the assailants intercepted them. The gang also attacked the trio with sticks before fleeing with a bag containing the cash. The victims are being treated at Raighar hospital. Sub-inspector Manoj Behera is investigating the incident, while Umarkote SDPO Meenakshi Thakur is overseeing the inquiry.
Notably, masked miscreants continue to wreak havoc in Nabarangpur as another daylight robbery had taken place in Darubandha Sahi of Nabarangpur town January 13. A gang tied up the wife of businessman Saroj Mohanty, threatened her with a knife, and made away with Rs 20 lakh in cash and 100 grams of gold ornaments. Two back-to-back armed robberies in 48 hours have created panic among locals and raised questions about police efforts to combat the rising street crimes.