Berhampur: With its eye on Sanakhemundi Assembly constituency in Ganjam district, the ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD) is preparing a poll strategy to wrest the seat from opposition Congress in the upcoming Assembly elections. In 2019 elections, the ruling party had won 12 out of the 13 Assembly seats in Ganjam district barring Sanakhemundi Assembly segment as Congress candidate Ramesh Jena had trounced his BJD rival Nandini Devi by over 20,000 votes. Jena’s win served a blow to the ruling party which had pinned high hopes to win the seat. Unable to absorb the loss, BJD has pinned its focus on Sanakhemundi Assembly seat and is preparing a poll strategy eyeing a win in the upcoming polls. This was stated here by BJD’s district president Ramesh Chandra Chyau Patnaik during an interaction with this correspondent.
Notably, Sanakhemundi block was part of Kabisuryanagar Assembly segment till 2004 since independence. A delimitation exercise was conducted in 2009 before the general elections and Sanakhemundi Assembly constituency, comprising Sanakhemundi and Dharakote blocks, was carved out. After the birth of Sanakhemundi Assembly seat, Congress candidate Ramesh Jena defeated BJP candidate and Dharakote royal Kishore Chandra Singh Deo in 2009 elections. In 2014 elections, BJD fielded Dharakote queen Nandini Devi, who defeated Congress’ Ramesh Jena by over 8,000 votes to become the first woman to represent the newly carved out Assembly seat. The 2019 elections again witnessed a close fight between Nandini Devi and Ramesh Jena.
However, this time Jena defeated Nandini Devi owing to his strong organisational network in Sanakhemundi block and some other areas under the segment. Meanwhile, both Nandini Devi and Jena have launched preparations for the upcoming elections this year. BJD is busy devising a strategy to wrest the seat from Jena.
However, internal feud in the party, which has been going on for long, might play spoilsport for the ruling BJD. With brewing resentment, many long-time and senior workers are openly opposing Nandini Devi. Two groups in the ruling party had a face-off during a Jansampark Padayatra at Goutami panchayat under the segment. Efforts are being made to broker peace between the two warring factions, district BJD president Ramesh Chandra Chyau Patnauk said.
Speculation is rife that the ruling party may field Dharakote block chairperson and royal heiress Sulakshana Devi as party candidate if the issue remains unresolved. Chatters are abuzz that the BJD is not taking other workers into confidence and is solely dependent on the royal family to win the elections. Political analysts said that the BJD may have to encounter heavy fight in the upcoming polls if it does not field a right candidate.