BJD urges inclusion of 169 tribal communities in ST list


New Delhi: The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) Wednesday urged the Union government to take steps for inclusion of 169 tribal communities in Scheduled Tribe (ST) in order to help people belonging to these communities avail benefits of the schemes meant for them.

Taking part in the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address, BJD MP Niranjan Bishi said that people belonging to tribal communities – Saara, Tamadia, Bhanja Puran, Kalanga, Paharia, Jhodia, Mankidia, Dura, Chuktia Bhunjia, Paudi Bhuyan, Amanatia, Beldar Gond, Budu Kondh, Budha Kondh, Boda Savara, Bhogta, Bhokta and other communities – as proposed for inclusion are actually subsets or phonetic variations of the name of the existing ST communities, but are still deprived of the benefits availed by STs.

He further said, “Inclusion of the left-out communities will give them their much-needed recognition as STs and ensure them social justice in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of India.”

The BJD MP stated that the Union government should take steps for inclusion of tribal languages – Ho, Mundari and Bhumij – in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.

Bishi also requested for withdrawal of 18 percent GST on Kendu leaves. He said that imposition of GST on Kendu leaves is adversely affecting tribal people as they collect the leaves as part of their forest rights.

“Fruits of development are to be shared equitably but the focus should be on weaker sections particularly Scheduled Tribes of the society on economic criteria,” Bishi said.

Significantly, BJD MPs Manas Mangaraj and Sulata Deo also took part in the Motion of Thanks on President’s address. Mangaraj drew the Union government’s attention to the infrastructure of the state. He requested the Union government to take initiatives for boosting railways and highway infrastructure in the state.

Mangaraj also highlighted that the modernisation of 12 stations is yet to be completed in the state.

Deo applauded the mentioning of women empowerment in the President’s speech. She reiterated BJD’s demand for introduction and passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill.

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