BMC to launch planning cell by January 1

Post News Network

Bhubaneswar, Dec 7: The housing and urban development (H&UD) department has asked the Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) to hand over two planning divisions to Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) to approve plan layouts of buildings by January 1.
In the first phase, two planning divisions would be transferred to BMC for smooth functioning of planning activities according to the 74th constitutional amendment.
BMC has already notified the engagement of a planning consultant for its proposed planning cell, which requires technical expertise.
As soon as BMC launches its planning cell, residents whose buildings fall under the jurisdiction of the civic body will no longer need to make a beeline to the BDA office for getting approvals of building plans.
However, BDA will keep continue to approve plan outlays of buildings coming up on the city’s outskirts.
For this, the government has asked the state urban development agency (SUDA), whose office is adjacent to BMC, to provide 3,200 sq ft space to the city civic body to open the planning cell. BMC will have to pay rent to SUDA.
The payment towards salaries and other activities such as space and logistics would also be borne by BMC.
Meanwhile, H&UD has also given its consent to handing over the management of parks (less than 5 acres), roads and kalyan mandaps from BDA to BMC for which requisite manpower would be provided to the latter.
At present, BDA maintains more than 70 parks in the city, which requires a huge sum of money. “Maintaining parks should not be the prerogative of BDA as it is the onus of the civic body,” an official remarked.
One assistant horticulture officer, two each garden assistant and assistant engineers (electrical) and 75 labourers would be provided to BMC.
“The burden of payment of staff for maintenance of roads and parks would be borne by the BDA and BMC in a tapering manner for the next four years,” an official said.

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