Bolangir: A minor girl was found dead Thursday with her throat slit in Nikhil Nagar locality near Kendriya Vidyalaya under Bolangir Town police limits in this district. The deceased was identified as 15-year-old Seshadri Nag, a Plus II first-year student of Commerce at a local college. Police suspect it to be a case of murder, though they are yet to ascertain the motive behind the killing of the minor girl. Police said that the parents of the girl were not at home when she was killed. They said that Seshadri’s mom Poornami Nag is a cleaning staff at the waste management centre of the Bolangir civic body office and had left for work early in the day. The deceased’s father Makardhwaj Nag, a mason was also not at home. They informed the police that they had asked their daughter to cook lunch for them and bring it to the municipality at 12 noon.
A senior police officer said that taking advantage of the fact that no one was in the house the miscreant managed to enter and carry out the gruesome murder. Bolangir SDPO Tofan Bagh said that a forensic team has been pressed into service to crack the case. “Prima facie it looks like that the act was carried out by a single person. We are probing all angles,” the officer said.