Viksit Odisha @2036

Bracelet that converts your skin to a Touch screen

This new gadget is a smart bracelet and is probably the smartest in the range of tech wearables. (YouTube)

Futuristic wearables are a thing of graphic artists and CGI (Computer generated imagery) in films. We have seen touch screen tables, smart Google Glass-look-alike and other impossible gadgets mostly in sci-fi films and probably in doodle diaries of tech enthusiasts. Now here’s a company that is bringing touch screen as close as it can get, yes skin close!

The revolutionary wearable projects a Smartphone screen on the surface of your arm (YouTube)

This new gadget is a smart bracelet and is probably the smartest in the range of tech wearables. It beats Apple smart watches by leaps. Cicret here is not just water resistant like the apple smart watches; it is completely waterproof, so you can respond to important emails or just read your latest e-book straight from your tub. The water guarding feature is not even a consideration as this wearable will make your skin-into-a-touch-screen. Yes! All you need to do is slip on this bracelet and voila.

It is completely waterproof, so you can respond to important emails or just read your latest e-book straight from your tub. (YouTube)

The revolutionary wearable projects a Smartphone screen on the surface of your arm, along with eight long-range proximity sensors. Each tap on your skin alerts a sensor, which sends information to the bracelet then on to your Smartphone via Bluetooth. This gadget is similar only to – IS THIS FOR REAL?

This gadget is similar only to – IS THIS FOR REAL? (YouTube)

The bracelet comes in two sizes and 10 colours. Once clad in this wearable, you can do whatever the Smartphone does — read emails, check maps, play your favourite games and even answer your calls. Just don’t tap too hard you’ll hurt yourself; also you don’t have the option of throwing your phone away after one of those calls. So if you’re okay with not throwing your phone and your skin getting tech adapted, rush to the website and get Cicret garbed.


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