Chariot pulling to begin at 5pm

Puri: The pulling of the chariots of the sibling deities on Rath Yatra (July 7) will start at 5 pm, according to the schedule fixed at the Niti sub-committee and Chhattisha Niyog meeting here, Monday. It was decided during the meeting that the rituals of this year’s Rath Yatra will be carried out as per the 1971 car festival schedule. The schedule has been fixed keeping in mind that the Rath Yatra, Nabajouban Darshan and Netrostav are falling on the same day this year.

As per the schedule decided in the Chhattisha Niyog meeting, Mangalalati will be held at 2am, Dasabatara Thakura Bahuda Bije at 2:40am, Anasara Tati Phita at 3 am, Daitapati Sarbanga at 3:40am, Netrostav Bandapana at 4am and Dwarapala Puja will be held at 5:25am. Similarly, Sakala Dhupa and Gopal Ballav rituals will be held between 6 am and am, Senapata Lagi between 7:30am and noon, Rath Pratistha at 11am, Mangalarpan at 1pm, and Dhadi Pahandi between 1:30pm and 2:30pm. Chherapanhara ritual will take place at 4pm and Chari Phita and Ghoda-Sarathi attachment to the chariots at 4:30pm, before the starting of chariot pulling at 5pm. The Bahuda festival will be held July 15 and Suna Besha July 17. The schedule fixed by the Chhattisha Niyog will be approved during the Srimandir managing committee meeting, Tuesday, said SJTA chief administrator VV Yadav.

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