CHSE releases plus II exam dates

CHSE Odisha

Bhubaneswar: The Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) declared dates of Plus II board examinations Saturday. The exams will commence from March 1.

As per the official notification released by the CHSE, the Higher Secondary Examination-2023 for the regular and ex-regular students in Arts, Science, Commerce and Vocational streams will be conducted from March 1, 2023 till April 5.

The examination will begin from 10 am and will continue till 1 pm.

The practical examinations in the subjects will be held from February 1 to February 10, 2023.

The candidates are advised to enter the exam centre 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination and enter the exam room/hall before 15 minutes of examination.

The examination will be conducted under CCTV surveillance. The centre superintendents are requested to ensure that CCTV is made functional in all examination halls well in advance of the commencement of examination and to see that CCTVS are functioning throughout all sittings uninterruptedly.

The examinations in all the streams will be conducted following Covid appropriate behaviour.

The examinations of Biology (Section A: Botany & Section-B: Zoology) for both regular and ex-regular candidates will be held in a single sitting with a gap of 20 minutes in between. First, the candidates shall be supplied with Biology Paper- Botany) questions at 10 AM. After that, Biology-Il (Zoology) question paper shall be given at 11.50AM after collection of answer booklets used by candidates for answering Biology (Botany) paper.

All Regular candidates (registered in the year 2021) appearing for Annual H.S Examination, 2023 shall appear the examination with full syllabus (100 per cent) and previous pattern as detailed in the 2019 syllabus.

The Ex Regular candidates with registration up to the year 2020 shall appear AHS Examination-2023 with reduced syllabus, and the pattern of question will be like that of AHS Examination-2022.

For the project evaluation and viva voce in Commerce stream, groups are to be formed taking minimum 24 students in a group. Evaluation and viva-voice of a group is to be completed in three hours.

The duration of practical examination for integrated Vocational Practical subjects (IVS) and Vocational Trade subjects will be three hours.


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