Bhubaneswar: The Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL) has planned to spruce up the city’s public open spaces. Under its B-Active (Be Active/ Bhubaneswar Active) project, the BSCL plans to develop the public open spaces in and around 10 areas including Sachivalaya Marg, BDA Nicco Park, Mother’s Public School playground and Janpath, among others.
According to a senior BSCL official, the authorities plan to utilise the unused open spaces to their full extent for proper recreation and benefit of the residents. The BSCL will receive a grant of Rs 80 crore for the implementation of the B-Active Project.
However, the elements, exact locations and the timeline of the project are yet to be finalized. We will have clarity on whether all the plans in the proposal will be taken up or not around next week, confirmed another BSCL official, requesting anonymity.
The proposal awaits an inspection from a project monitorial unit from New Delhi’s National Institute of Urban Affairs.
The project aims to develop the open spaces on broadly five parameters. By developing streets, water-dependent activities, parks, heritage sites and promoting sports activities among the populace. The City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and Sustain (CITIIS) is the main component of a program by the Ministry of Urban Affairs that will fund the smart city project. CITIIS is financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the European Union (EU).