Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Friday, inaugurated a bridge over Biluakhai river in Jagatsinghpur through videoconferencing. He also laid the foundation stone for a mother and childcare hospital in the district.
The bridge has been constructed on Biluakhai river near Shankhari Sahi in Jagatsinghpur at a cost of Rs 61.42 crore. The foundation stone for the project was laid in October 2016.
The bridge will directly connect Jagatsinghpur district headquarters with Cuttack Baishmouza and will reduce the distance from Jagatsinghpur to Bhubaneswar. The Chief Minister said the bridge would help accelerate the pace of development in the district.
He laid the foundation stone for 100-bed mother and childcare hospital, which will be set up with an investment of Rs 16.28 crore. Besides, 10 ICU beds will be set up at the DHH in Jagatsinghpur at an estimated cost of Rs 2.29 crore. Naveen said this facility would play an important role in providing quality healthcare to mothers and children in the district.
Along with the ongoing battle against Covid, focus will be given on livelihood of the people in the state, he said.