Viksit Odisha @2036

Complaint lodged against Odisha Bodybuilding Association for alleged misuse of funds 

Bhubaneswar: The secretary of the Amateur Bodybuilding Association of Ganjam District has alleged the misuse of government allotted funds running into lakhs by the Odisha Bodybuilding Association.

According to S Rajesh Babu Achary, the secretary of the Ganjam body, Rs 1,00,000 sanctioned by the Odisha Cultural Department, has allegedly been misappropriated by the state body, June 29, 2018. Achary has alleged that the amount was transferred into the personal account of Prasanna Mahasuar, secretary of the state association from the account of treasurer Tarun Kumar Chatterjee. He said that the money should have gone into the official account of the Odisha Bodybuilding Association.

Achary questioned as to how government allotted funds can go into the personal account of an office-bearer. He told reporters Wednesday that a complaint in this regard has been lodged at the Capital police station and a case has been filed in a court here.

Disclosing these facts at a press meet here Wednesday, Achary along with former secretary of the Odisha Bodybuilding Association Manmath Kumar Mishra alleged that government funds are being misused by the state body. He also said that proper audit of how funds are being spent has not been done for years.

Prasanna Mahasuar the secretary of the Odisha Bodybuilding Association however refuted the allegations terming them ‘baseless’ He said government funds have been properly ‘utilised’.





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